Drinking Water is Essential to Good Health

Drinking water is essential to good health. Although some studies dispute whether adults need 8 glasses per day, there are plenty of good reasons to continue drinking lots of water:

  • Water carries nutrients from our food throughout our bodies.
  • We lose fluid constantly through sweat, urine, breathing and evaporation. This water must be replaced.
  • Our bodies are comprised of about 60% water and our brains of 90% water. Water helps to maintain the balance of body fluids assisting in numerous functions including circulation and digestion.
  • Water aids in weight loss when substituted for high calorie or high sugar drinks.
  • Water helps to energize muscles.
  • Water helps skin to look its best.
  • Water boosts energy and relieves fatigue.
  • Water flushes toxins from our bodies.
  • Water is a natural headache remedy.